Our Mission
The Coalition for a Better Acre is a membership-based community development corporation dedicated to resident empowerment and sustainable community revitalization for current and future residents of Lowell and the Merrimack Valley. We promote healthy, vibrant neighborhoods by developing resident leaders, affordable housing, and economic opportunities, and by responding to community needs through collective action.
We believe in respect and dignity for everyone.
We value openness, honesty, and genuine trust between people.
We value listening to others and being responsive to the community’s needs.
We believe in the importance of leadership development and building resident engagement across a diverse spectrum of people.
We value collaboration, partnership, and teamwork within and between our organization and others.
We strive for Lowell’s neighborhoods to be affordable, vibrant, and diverse places of choice where residents are engaged leaders, and where local stakeholders work in partnership to build family and community assets.
We set ambitious, yet realistic and measurable goals that will help us produce quality results.
We will be strategic, creative, and flexible in carrying out our work.
Our desired outcomes will guide our actions. We intend to evaluate our progress based on our ability to achieve these outcomes.
To ensure that we are continually improving, we will instill the practice of reflection and evaluation.
We will develop an organization that is sustainable and managed with integrity.
We will invest in directors and resident leadership development, ensuring that we represent the community and are accountable to it.