Programs And Services
Workforce Training & Economic Development
The workforce and economic development program supports the vitality and resilience of local businesses through increased access to financial resources, expert coaching, and peer support networks. We also work with job seekers through workshops, job fairs, and skills training.
Community Engagement and Events
We bring neighbors together to share information, entertainment, and pride in our community at several large events throughout the year, including:
Annual Acre Cleanup, April or May, Acrefest, June, National Night Out, August, Annual Meeting October
We also conduct outreach to residents about needs and ideas of programs and provide basic walk-in services in English, Spanish, and Khmer.
Youth Development Programs
Provides a safe, comfortable place in the Acre neighborhood where kids can complete homework and receive extra help from qualified tutors.
Civic Engagement
Focusing on providing information and gathering input from the whole Lowell community, in 2020, CBA established A team of volunteer ambassadors that provide timely messaging around important community topics and services CBA offers
Latin Empowerment and Advocacy Program
Launched in 2020, the Latin Empowerment and Advocacy Program or LEAP aims to meet the needs of and foster connections within Lowell’s diverse Latin American community. Programs currently being offered at our walk-in center include:
Free translation services
Community development leadership programs taught in Spanish, including Empoderados, a nine-week training program to build community members’ knowledgebase, confidence, and networks.
Health Access Program
Food and essential item pantry located at CBA’s Walk-In Center at 450 Merrimack Street in the Acre.
Partnership with Lowell’s healthcare providers
CBA provides outreach and event support for REACH LoWELL as they work to educate about and eliminate health disparities among Southeast Asian and Hispanic/Latino communities.
Community partners in health, job prep, education and family benefits are invited to meet with community members at the Lowell Senior Center for CHOP Dinners each month (March through October). CHOP is a free event, open to all, and stands for “Community Health Outreach Program”.